Lemon Enzyme Shampoo 200ml/bottle

$ 198.00

有助鎖水保濕、豐盈光澤、強健髮絲、減少脫髮。添加檸檬多酚及酵素,以及多種植物精華 有效潔淨頭髮、平衡頭皮油脂分泌,在毛鳞片上形成鎖水保濕,強健髮絲。檸檬酵素小分子可被輕易吸收,對髮絲有溫和的淨白效果,能輕易去除多餘的皮脂。

SKU: 4716171886485-1-1 Category:

*For product details, please refer to the package or refer to the relevant description on the official website.

*Due to the old and new packaging of the product, the actual product received by the customer shall prevail.

*Due to the existence of old and new packaging, the actual product received by the customer shall prevail.


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